Easy Way to Resolve Conflict in Academics

Conflict in Academics LetsGyan

Why is Conflict Resolution Necessary? Conflict resolution is very important in the classroom. Students need to learn how to handle and resolve conflicts with their peers. This helps create a positive learning environment. When students have trouble getting along, it affects their focus and learning. It also makes extra work for teachers, who must use […]

10 Easy Way to Manage Academic Stress and Expectation

Academic Stress Management LetsGyan

Expectations are beliefs or hopes about how things should happen or how people should act. They can come from ourselves, others, or society. Expectations can be positive or negative, and they can be realistic or unrealistic. When we feel we must meet these expectations, pressure builds up. This pressure can cause stress or tension. It […]

10 Easy Way to Improve Your Communication in Academics

Easy way to Communicate in Academics LetsGyan

Remember, many people around you have strong communication skills. These skills are important for both your personal and professional life. Good communicators often perform better at work. They advance in their careers, build strong relationships, and show confidence. Communication is something we do every day, yet many are unaware of its rules and tools. In […]

10 Easy Ways for Students to Improve Your Self-Confidence

Self Confidence Letsgyan

Self-confidence is how we feel about ourselves. It means liking who we are, accepting what we’re good at and where we need to improve, and being confident in what we can do. When we have healthy self-esteem, we handle problems better and bounce back from setbacks more easily. But if we have low self-esteem, we […]

Developing Emotional Intelligence in Student

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the capacity to perceive, comprehend, and regulate emotions within oneself and others, and to utilize this insight to effectively manage interpersonal relationships. Individuals with high emotional intelligence possess the ability to cope with stress, cultivate meaningful connections with others, and adapt to life’s inevitable changes. It is noteworthy that while […]

Developing a Growth Mindset for Academic Success

Successful person often share a common psychological trait. This trait, known as the growth mindset, was coined by Carol Dweck, and championed by Bill Gates and NASA. This emphasizes the belief that intelligence and skill can be developed through effort. This mindset supports the notion that anyone can cultivate their abilities in any area through […]

How to Practice Meditation to Reduce Stress for Student

Meditation Practice for Student

Meditation is about acknowledging your emotions and sensations without passing judgment on them. It involves intentionally focusing on something for a specific duration and most helpful to reduce stress. This technique consists of two main components: attention and acceptance. Mindfulness serves as a powerful tool for self-care, encouraging individuals to slow down, utilize their senses, […]

Enhancing Concentration and Focus for Better Study

How students should concentrate

In students’ lives, everyone has found themselves daydreaming. Sometimes we sit down to study, open our books, and start to study, but after a few minutes, we get distracted and start daydreaming. So, what can we do about this daydreaming mind and how can we focus our minds on our studies? How can we concentrate […]