Some Useful commands in CPLEX Python API: A Cheat Sheet with Example
Before I begin, I want to emphasize that all commands can be found in the IBM ILOG CPLEX documentation. My intent is to summarize commonly used CPLEX Python commands for performing a modeling task and solving mathematical models. For me, this cheat sheet of CPLEX Python API commands has always been a great help. Also, […]
JAC (झारखण्ड अकादमिक कौंसिल) बोर्ड क्लास 10th Mathematics सैंपल पेपर सेट 1
JAC Board Class 10th Maths Sample Question Paper Set 1 Mock Test 2023 Class X Mathematics Set1 Full Marks: 80 Total number of Questions: 30 Time: 3 hrs खंड A: प्रश्न संख्या 1 से 10 तक प्रत्येक 1 अंक का है | खंड B: प्रश्न संख्या 11 से 15 तक प्रत्येक 2 अंक का है […]
Commonly asked question: Successive directions of steepest descent are normal to one another
Data science, Machine Learning, or any Mathematical Optimization related technical interviews encounter the most common question on one of the properties of the method of Steepest Descent. It is also called Gradient Descent method. The successive directions of the steepest descent are normal to one another. They ask for proof or some example to explain […]
Column Generation for Cutting Stock Problem
Cutting Stock Problem: A tutorial with example to understand Column generation Column generation is an efficient technique to solve large-sized mathematical programs. It is also called delayed-column generation due to its nature to solve the problem. It is firstly studied and applied for the Cutting stock Problems, recognized by a Soviet mathematician and economist Leonid […]
Solution to Advanced Engineering Maths: Erwin Kreyszig: Unconstrained Optimization
Basic Concepts : Unconstrained Optimization Advanced Engineering Maths Erwin Kreyszig Read our famous blogs!