Know about Fixing in Cricket and its impact on Cricketers and Cricket Lovers

Impact Of Cricket On Us

Trust is a delicate thing. It is similar to a mirror. If mirror breaks, you can repair it, but you can still see the cracks in the impression. In India Cricket is not a match, it is Religion Cricket is one of the comprehensively followed sports and is a singular significant game in numerous Asian […]

Parent-Child Relationship

Parent Child Relation is import and crucial

What is this all about ? The Parent-Child Relationship nurtures the physical, emotional, and social development of the child. It is a unique bond. It can also affect the strength of their social, physical, mental, and emotional health.Our futures are very dependent on many things – our environment, support systems, and interests.Our development in adulthood […]

7 disadvantages of social media we must know

Social media is getting out of hands. We are seeing a lot of negative effects of it in our everyday life. Now let’s talk about the impact of social media, there are the some of the disadvantages of using a social networking on an Indian society. Here in this blog I am taking you some […]