Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
Courtesy : Zero Health

Self-confidence is how we feel about ourselves. It means liking who we are, accepting what we’re good at and where we need to improve, and being confident in what we can do. When we have healthy self-esteem, we handle problems better and bounce back from setbacks more easily. But if we have low self-esteem, we might doubt ourselves, think negatively, or feel inadequate. This can lead to sadness, anxiety, or feeling alone.

The good news is we can improve our self-esteem. We can take care of ourselves, set achievable goals, challenge negative thoughts, and be around positive, supportive people. Over time, these steps can help us feel better about ourselves and believe in our abilities.


 Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
Courtesy : Maadi Narmer School

Self-confidence comes from what we learn and understand about ourselves. It means believing in our abilities, choices, and values. Real confidence comes from knowing our strengths and where we can improve. It also means having a positive view of ourselves.

There are two types of coping skills you can practice to build your self-esteem is positive actions and positive thoughts

The following are five positive actions that you can practice each day to give yourself a Boost.

 1.  healthy habits

It’s important to have healthy habits for both your mind and body. Eat nutritious food, get enough sleep, and stay active with exercise and play. Drink plenty of water, keep up with good hygiene, and limit screen time. These habits help you feel happy and stay well.

2.  focus on your strengths

It’s good to focus on your strengths. Everyone has unique talents that make them special. Whether you’re good at art, sports, telling stories, school, or being a friend, it’s important to notice and celebrate your skills and successes. Remembering these positive things helps you see what makes you unique and special.

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3. Focus on building your character

Building self-esteem isn’t just about achievements. It’s also about growing a strong character with kindness, honesty, respect, and empathy. Being true to these qualities will help you feel better about yourself and build meaningful connections with others.

 Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
Courtesy : The Jakarta Post
4. Surround yourself with positivity

Avoid spending time with people who are always negative or treat you badly. Instead, be around people who believe in you, support you, and lift you up. Positive people can help you think positively and boost your self-confidence.

5. Help others

Helping others brings joy to both them and you. When you do kind things for others, you often feel better about yourself. It gives you a sense of purpose and achievement. Additionally, knowing you’ve made a positive difference in someone’s life is very rewarding. Simple acts of kindness and encouraging words can greatly impact both you and the person you help.

After discussing positive actions that contribute to building self-esteem, here are five coping skills focused on positive thoughts.

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6. Remember to notice and challenge negative thoughts that may pop into your mind.

Instead of thinking that you’re not good enough or can’t succeed, practice replacing these thoughts with positive and encouraging statements. For example, if you catch yourself thinking “I can’t do this” while working on a difficult task, replace that negative thought with something like “I can do anything I put my mind to” or “I’m strong and can handle this.”

7.  Using positive affirmations is also helpful.

These statements remind you of how amazing and capable you are. They can boost your confidence and lift your spirits. For example, try daily affirmations like “I am perfect just the way I am,” “I feel happy and healthy,” or “I love, respect, and believe in myself.” By practicing these affirmations regularly, you’ll gradually feel more positive and self-assured.

8. Practice gratitude

Remember to practice gratitude by finding something to be thankful for every day. For example, try to notice small moments of joy, beauty, or positivity throughout your day. Additionally, get into the habit of thinking about one thing you are grateful for when you wake up in the morning. Then, reflect on one more thing you are grateful for before you go to bed at night.

9. Be kind to yourself

 Additionally, make sure to be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, just as you would treat a close friend. When things don’t go as planned, remind yourself that making mistakes is part of being human. Mistakes and failures help you learn and grow. Always be quick to forgive yourself and tell yourself encouraging statements such as “I’ll do better next time” or “It’s okay to make mistakes.”

10. let go of perfectionism

No one is perfect. So, it’s important to let go of the need for perfection. Perfection is simply unattainable, and everyone has their own imperfections and shortcomings. Instead, embrace the beauty of being imperfect. Celebrate your progress, even if it’s small. Remember that mistakes are chances to grow. Start building your self-esteem today by using self-esteem coping skills. Always keep in mind that you are unique and special. You have the strength to overcome challenges. Building self-esteem takes time, but with consistent effort and patience, you will become more confident every day.

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